My Blanken World

My world of boys, textiles and moving.

…. on a side note. January 16, 2016






I was cleaning this week for when my dentist man got home.  I do that on occasion.  Usually about the time he comes home actually?  We have well water which I love.  Great for your body, all those yummy minerals, not so much for your teeth (no fluoride).  The extremely hard water we have leaves its mark on everything it touches.  The more it touches it though, the more of a mark it leaves.  So I though some CLR would do the job.






The second-born and I went to the store and looked at all the choices they now offer.  “Ooh – a convenient spray bottle version! Nice!”  Grabbing the bottle to make sure it’s ok on septic tanks (country living has its ups and downs) – it was!  I turn the bottle around to see…






Que eye-roll from said son.


Ummmm… Why would I care?


Actually, I’m a little offended by this.   And the company should be a bit embarrassed.

Can it not succeed on it’s own merits?

Does the product work so poorly that it felt the need to try to pull in people by the mere fact that the people running the company have different genitalia than other companies, and for that sole reason, you should by their product specifically?

Do they not believe in the equality of every human being, so as to not need to a descriptor?

Is it sexistly implying that because it’s women who run the company, and thus the people who usually do the cleaning, know that this product must work, because that’s all they know?

Or are they implying that men just aren’t smart enough to know what works in your home?



Ok, I’m partially tongue-in-cheek here.  While I get what they were going for here, this isn’t the 1950’s anymore.  We’ve come far enough that we shouldn’t be all that excited by a “Women owned company”.  I completely understand the importance it would have made 50 – 100 years ago when we were still fighting to just have our own bank accounts and leave the house without permission.  I would have been one of the first to snap it up!  But thanks to all of those women (and men) who fought to make sure anyone could be the owner of a company, this should no longer be necessary.  They would probably be a bit angry that what they fought for, has now been reduced to a marketing ploy.  I want to know that the products works, no matter who owns it.  Black, white, purple, green, male or female, from the planet Neptune – if your product works, I’ll use it.  Which is in fact, what people who fought for equality’s whole point was.  We’re equal, move on.



The CLR didn’t work btw.


You know what did work?  Something that people have been using for a while now.  Citrus.  We have lime tree in the house and I thought I’d give it a shot after doing some reading on the nets.  I put some baking soda down and scrubbed it with the lime half.  Beautiful!

As for the toilet ring. I tried the CLR – nothing.  Tried a pumice stone and razor blade, still nothing.   Citric acid (you can buy it on Amazon.)  Flushed the toilet before bed to wet the sides, sprinkled it on and went to bed.  When I got up in the morning, the ring was half the size.  Did it again the next night, and it’s barely there.  Also not “women owned”, or if it was, they were confident enough in the product alone that they didn’t need to announce it.



If I’m not using it on a part that only you can specifically relate to, it doesn’t need to be said.  So unless I’m supposed to use the CLR on my lady bits, it doesn’t need to be on the label.