My Blanken World

My world of boys, textiles and moving.

I got me a graduate! June 20, 2013

Filed under: Boys,Family,Homeschooling,Moving — blankenmom @ 8:18 pm
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Two of his best friends (yes you're seeing double)

Two of his best friends



Ok, really it’s not as special as it sounds.  With over 200 people in just his college graduating class alone, not to mention the high school he was registered with and 1000’s of schools around the country and even more across the world, we’re pretty small and insignificant.  I get that.


But in our tiny little, blankenworld it’s a big deal!  While working full-time, he graduated from high school with a two-year degree from a local community college – with a 3.59 no less!  (No, no proud mama here.)  It’s a great program in our state that uses school funds to advance students who qualify to local community colleges giving them a leg up and saving $1000’s in student loans for later schooling if the student chooses to go on.  I LOVE this program!  I love my tax dollars going to this program for not just my students, but students around the state.  I wish every state had this!

Our student…. our adult, will be moving out next month and looking for an apprenticeship in baking or work in a restaurant instead of going on to more schooling (at least for now).  After seeing our student loans from dental school and reading up on just how scary they are for others his age with no promise of jobs on the other end, he’s chosen to forego the whole process – being forced into classes that have nothing to do with what he loves to do – and go straight to the source.


“But wait” you say.  “What about being a well-rounded human being that knows about ancient civilizations, poems and women’s studies?”  And I say to that – how exactly is that going to help him bake a cake, frost a cookie or hand a little girl a free cupcake?  Life, not studies, are what truly make you well-rounded and teach you real lessons.  And knowing my son, he’ll be reading up on most of those things anyway.


So unless he’s going to be  scientist, doctor or teacher, I think he’s got the right idea.  I hope his brothers are as wise as he is.  (Although I’m quite sure #3 will be going on to college since he’s an engineer type – I’d prefer people building my bridges go on to further their education a bit.  But that’s just me.)

Along with his wonderful girlfriend who graduates next year, at his side.  And after he learns a few more skills and saves up some major money, he plans on opening his own bakery/coffee shop like one of his mentors back on the east coast.


It’s so much fun to watch a whole new future start – kids are constantly amazing!






He’s ready.  I think we’ve done alright with this one.