My Blanken World

My world of boys, textiles and moving.

….aaannnddd I’m back. February 11, 2017







“From where?” you may say.  From working outside the home 30-40 hours a week, on top of babysitting our mortgage companies antics – away from my boys and all that keeps me, me.

Not to say I didn’t enjoy my work – I have a secret – I LOVE WORKING!  And there lies my problem.  I love working so much, that I tend to over due it.  Family… what family?


So, after 6 months, and the majority of our repair bills paid off (would have been more if Seterus would stop screwing up our mortgage… but I digress..), I’ve come home again.  And four hours after being out of work, I was going nuts!  But that’s ok.  I had plans….


…two days after that, I sprained my wrist severely on our lovely, lovely ice/snow/ice combo.

*There goes my plans*


I enjoyed my very active job.  I enjoyed helping people feel better.  I enjoyed helping them find what they needed.  And I enjoyed “owning” “my section”.   I loved my co-workers, and most of the people I met.  (I’m talking to you crazy woman who commented on my parenting skills!)


Beforehand I thought God had given this to us just at the right time to give us the extra cash we needed to get these bills paid off.  But I started to realize He gave it to me at this time to help tire me out.  Spin my wheels a bit.

I’m a doer.  A fixer.  I want something; I make it myself.  I want something done; I get it done myself.  And I keep trying to fix this problem myself.  The last few years though, I’m slowly starting to get that I can’t.  I have to give it to God – AND LEAVE IT.  And for someone like myself, that. is. excruciating.

Yes we got some extra cash to pay down the repair bills, but He threw in a few extra kinks to show me that there will always be something, if I allow it, to keep me from enjoying my family and the life He’s set out for us.


And my plans for getting the whole house cleaned and the renovation started back up, got kicked out from under me with a sprained wrist.




What my bible study ladies, my dentist man, and God have all been trying to tell me for a very long time.


And as I’m arguing…. eh er… praying this morning in frustration over not knowing our next step.  What I should be doing.  Feeling like a flopping fish out of water.  My daily bible verse showed up.


Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

– Psalm 27:14 (NIV)
Ahhh… I love it when that happens.
Will it be easy for me?  Oh heck no!  But it is the guidance I was asking for.
Sometimes doing nothing, takes the most strength.
So, I’m back.  There will be sewing again.  There will be renovating again.  There will be comical stories about my insane family again.  A few life lessons thrown in between there again.
And thank you for your patience, again.




Textile therapy October 26, 2014

Filed under: Made by me,Sewing,What's happening — blankenmom @ 12:01 am
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I don’t know what you do when you’re in a funk and can’t get out?  Usually I hide from all sewing, knitting and house projects.  And as a person who likes to constantly have two or three projects going at all times (much to the irritation of her ever patient dentist man), doing none of the former, isn’t a good sign.


And if the house is super clean, run.


We’ve been stuck in courtroom hell, held hostage by crazy people who, when last texted, “had the ear of the governor for their unjust removal” caused by them not allowing anyone in to make the state required repairs for six months, among numerous other issues.  Trying to do court dates over the phone, manage repair dates that go unanswered and having repairmen physically thrown out has been, well, a challenge to say the least.

What did I turn to in this time?  Are my toilet bowls sparkling clean and kitchen counters shining like usual?


Nope –


Instead of fuming over  the time it was taking to remove them and the constant nasty grams they were sending, I finally went out and bought the fabric for baby blankets for the clinic and pillow cases for the foster kidsboxes.  My absence for the last few weeks is due in part to a less than chipper attitude and a complete submersion in my tasks.  It’s been very therapeutic.  I think I’m almost back to normal – I even bought new costumes accessories!  (On discount of course.)



16 baby blankets –




And 32 pillow cases –




Isn’t this just the most awesome fabric!




Thinking about the little ones that will get these, who really need our help, was much more enjoyable to think about than the nasty things bombarding me day and night.  I went to bed feeling better.  Woke up in a better mood.  And can’t stop eyeing the baby fabric isle.

No worries, the youngest got two new pairs of pajama’s, so I’m not neglecting my own… much.


*Tip for the day*  “One yard” baby blankets require two packages of pre-made quilt binding.  Buy them at the same time or they will not match.  *sigh*



What do you sew, or do instead of sewing, as therapy?




*The Embrace Foster Program is available in most states, google “Embrace (your state name) for foster kids” to find yours if you’d like to help out.  I’m sending these back home since my area doesn’t have it.


Birth control named Shadow June 14, 2014

Filed under: Boys,Family,Made by me,Pets — blankenmom @ 12:16 am
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wall hanging

One of the things I’ve been up to this week.


It’s been about four weeks now that we’ve had the puppy.


It’s been a very loooong four weeks.



At one point the third-born asked, “Is this what it’s like to have a baby?”.  Which made me pause… yes, yes it is very much like having a baby.  A baby that chews on you with Parana like teeth and goes to the bathroom in random corners of my house, but still very much yes.  The biggest difference being that you can, if you need to, leave the puppy in her “cage” without CPS becoming involved.  I however, hesitated to say this as he was lamenting at having yet another shift at watching her while I needed to head out the door and I’m still hoping for grandbabies in the future – the distant future!


As I drove away it occurred to me; schools should start handing out 8 week old pugs to teenagers.  Boys and girls.  To be given to the disabled at the end of the puppy stage.  When they’re fully potty trained, done teething and relatively listening to commands.  After all, that is what happens at 18 when they move out, right?  At least we hope?

Early morning wake up calls, late night potty breaks.  Meals usually including some sort of medication that the puppy absolutely refuses to take.  Messes in random places, shoes missing, and doing nothing without knowing exactly where that little devil is!


Am I making you want a puppy?  Yeah, it’s working about that well for the boys wanting kids about now too.  But in due time, I think they’ll come to realize as the puppy grows, that it was all worth the work… the scratches, bite marks, funny smell in the corner, the lack of sleep and not being able to do what they want for the time being.  But just like kids, all you really remember are the good things when it’s all said and done, after all – they are the good things!




Ahhh… a sleeping puppy.  Quick – go take a shower, clean the kitchen and make dinner!


Up to all good! March 21, 2014



Has it really been so long?



It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here.



From signing up to volunteer at church and at the local pregnancy center to woodworking and making felted baby rattles.  Throw in a sick dog, boys activities – including the big one and I’ve hardly had time to sit still.



The whole time I could hear a good friend in my ear asking if I’ve started my sewing room yet?  I’m workin’ on it, I’m workin’ on it!





I’m so glad for her voice!


This is what I have so far.  One wall partially completed with 3 more walls to go.  And yes, the chair looks really low.  I made the desks standing height so I’m not sitting as much.  I’ll be purchasing a “standing chair” in the near future.  I’ll also be organizing VERY soon.

Just for future reference if you’re thinking of doing something similar….. measure the length of your pedal cord.  They’re about 2 inches too short and I’ll have to make a small “stool” for them.


Paint color suggestions?


In between sawing, I have been sewing.  I’ve made two shirts and a pair of pants.  My favorite being this completely simplistic, but totally awesome, sparkly shirt.  I’m in love with it!





*sparkle, sparkle, sparkle*


I managed to get only one of our new light fixtures up outside.  Mostly because…. it’s good to know how many light fixtures you actually have on the outside of your house!  We found an excellent deal at Costco and bought three, only to realize we have seven lights!  I ordered the remaining lights elsewhere, at far less of a deal.  Now if the high winds could just die down I could actually put the rest up?  In the mean time – I’m enjoying the new view!






And lastly, a Pinterest find.  Felted baby rattles.  Something good to do while you’re watching your favorite show.  I love the results – I’ll definitely be making more for future cutie-patooties!





*rattle – rattle*


So I now have a clean garage.  A second-born signed up for classes next year at a tech school.  3 boys in 4-H.  A first-born with a job at the naval base and a dentist man who is happy that it’s been very quiet.





Waking to a miracle July 29, 2013

Filed under: Family,Random thoughts,What's happening — blankenmom @ 12:32 pm
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I woke up this morning listening to the radio as I always do, when the news started talking about a politician that had been in the news lately because of her pregnancy.


The news here for Jaime Herrera-Beutler and husbands new little girl.


Why does this excite me so much since I don’t know these people at all?


Without getting too preachy, because no one wants to hear it, I’ll just make a big “hoorah” for the docs who didn’t give up and did what doctors are supposed to do – save even the smallest life, with even very little hope.  For the babies who do, and don’t make it.  And the parents who have the courage to fight on, and to know when it’s time to say loving good-bye.


Sure – they could have terminated the baby, why not, they can always make more right?  But in pursuing this ally of treatment which is still experimental and may not always work and yes, probably is not very cost-effective now, someday may become routine, lowering the cost and saving many, many more lives.  After all, pace-makers were at one time experimental and astronomical in price, but we pushed forward to keep working on them instead of just throwing up our collective hands saying “Let them die, they’re not worth the cost.”

Yeah, I know a lot of this still costs the same as a house…. but how much would you pay for your spouse, your child, your mother or father….. for yourself?  Two, three, four houses worth?  Are you or someone you know here by some technology that at one time was said not to be worth the cost, but is now common?  And by trying something new, by pushing the technology envelope, how many more people will be saved because of a handful of people who are willing to take the risk – emotionally, physically and financially?


Yes, there comes a moment when it’s time to let our loved ones go; they’re tired, they’re ready; it’s not about cost – it’s about the body becoming more machine, than soul.  The people who do this amaze me at their strength after fighting so long.  That strength is its own miracle.


But now…. now is not that time!


So baby Abigail, and all you other mini-miracles.  Fight on!  You’re not just fighting for your life – you’re fighting for those who come after you.  For the doctors and nurses who don’t give up on you.  For the parents who love and pray for you through tears of heartache and joy.  And to show those who say “Their life isn’t worth it, start over.”  That ALL life should be given a fighting chance!






Someday – these tiny little feet, may be making more miracles of their own.